Thursday, September 24, 2009

Method 3 - I'm living in the clouds

I started using Google Docs about 4 years ago. Our district has "preview books" for the librarians to review and then add to their collections if appropriate. Our reviews are online in a Google Docs spreadsheet. I thought this was an ingenious way to share all the reviews my colleagues were writing about new titles.
Since then I have expanded my use of Google Docs into an even more collaborative use. I share documents back and forth with the other supervisors. We create documents that we add to and edit on a regular basis, and it is a general storage place for me so that I can access important documents and data when I'm out at schools and not at my office computer (this has come in handy many, many times). I look forward to experimenting with the "form" on Google Docs and getting data easily gathered that way.
I see many great benefits from these tools everyday as a supervisor. Now, what about in my school libraries? Well, could librarians and teachers write lesson plans in the clouds and develop collaborative lessons that way? could students submit papers to be graded even if they are out sick, or don't have access to a printer? The uses are out there - they just have to be found. I kind of think of it like seeing pictures in the real clouds. Everyone sees something different, no one is wrong, because the clouds are moving and changing constantly.

BUT . . . Jenny Levine does point out some interesting questions. Is the data safe? I don't really know! Is google becoming like Microsoft - only interested in the bottom line? do I care if they are so long as it's still free for me? Would we all feel more comfortable if we did have to pay to have our data in the Clouds? These are all things to consider - but I think I'm going to stick with it.
I like living in the clouds. Won't you join me?

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