RSS feeds and Google reader are not new to me. I have been using Google reader for over a year now, and have followed RSS feeds for the past several years.
The feeds that I have posted on this blog is from Michael Stephens, Ruth Cox Clark, and Terri Lesesne. Stephens was the keynote speaker at the Houston ISD Librarian's inservice that I planned for this past August. Stephens is a motivational speaker who really promotes the use of technology and tech trends in libraries of all kinds. I like to read his blog to find out about new and emeriging technologies and see how they may be used in school libraries. Ruth Cox Clark was my professor at UHCL for several classes, but namely Young Adult Literature. She is the reason I discovered my love of YA literature, and so I follow her blog to learn about new titles coming out and what adventure she is currently on. Terri Lesesne is another guru of YA lit, but her blog also includes reviews of children's lit. I use her site to help me choose books for the NTB K-2 contest.
Since I was already using Google reader the question about will I use it to keep up with blogs seems like a silly one to answer. But the truth is, this project has reminded me about google reader - as I let it fall to the wayside. So, now I will attempt to be more on top of my RSS feeds on Google Reader.
Updates, new dates, more...
4 years ago